Merry Christmas Gage
Cambodia Phnom Pehn Mission
Hey! Today I have no time at all. We were on our way over to the internet place and we only had an hour before we have to be across town for the Christmas party/conference thing... and Elder Sok got hit by a moto! haha He’s ok, no problems, but his bike wasn’t in to good of shape! He couldn’t ride it so we had to get it fixed first now I only have like 15 minuets! But tomorrow I’ll have more time, and then the day after tomorrow I'll be able to call you! so I'll tell you more about things then...
(Battombong's baptimal font)
Gage Gets Transfered...
...well I’ve been hearing about all the financial problems in America... but it has made me realize something, another blessing that I received from coming here on my mission. I now know how much the material things are really worth. Khmers are the most content people I know, and some of the poorest people I know too. A person can be just as happy with a little as they would be if they had alot. It just depends entirely on the person's attitude.
Gage of the Jungle.
Funny Story... "So we have these two investigators, Mome and Muen, anyway they are good.. They are dirt poor and are a young couple with a 2 year old kid... Oh and Muen used to be a monk haha. Anyway they were doing great until Muen got sick... Just a little stomach flu... Anyway their neighbors call a doctor to come over and look at him. Now what you have to understand about this doctor is that he is not your everyday doctor... No he is a Kruu Khmer or in other words, a Cambodian witch doctor! haha These guys are crazy! They have all these random things and necklaces and bracelets and what ever all over them and they go wandering around in the forests worshiping weird things... They make a living off of going to the houses of really, really superstitious people and telling them that some evil spirit from some random dead relative is pissed off so the spirit is some how getting you back... Anyway, if you’re having business trouble, or not doing good in school, you lost your job, or even if your girlfriend dumped you... this crazy doctor makes up some ridiculous story about some spirit haunting you... Anyway back to Muen, so the witch doctor shows up and he talks to the neighbors before he talks to Muen and the neighbors told him that Muen is learning about Christ so this is the story. Muen has a tummy ache because his wife’s great-grandma’s spirit is pissed off that Muen is learning with us, so this great grandma’s spirit-in-law got a hold of some random evil spirit that she met on one of her journeys in the other worlds or something and that spirit is currently "eating his intestines" because he is learning with American the crazy witch doctor tells them to stop learning with us and asks for 20 bucks (which is probably more money then Muen makes in a month) then this doctor takes the money, and gets a call on his cellphone from another moron that twisted her ankle or something then he gets in his car and goes and cheats the next poor brainless sucker...Anyway they told us never to come back... Well, Mome did, Muen was asleep... So what do we do? Oh course we go back the next day! And well, haha, Muen was mad that we didn’t wake him up the last time cause he read some of the ‘For Strength for Youth’ pamphlet and he wanted to share what he learned haha. So Mome still doesn’t want us to come back because she’s scared her great great-grandpa’s dog’s cousin’s spirit might eat her brains (the little that she has) and give her a head ache... only in Cambodia. We’re going back tomorrow night. Well there you go! That’s me latest story haha."
Gage visits Cambodia's famous Angkor Watt Temple site... the next day we went to Angkor Watt, ha wow! You have got to see it! That's all I got to say, it is just mind blowing! The fact that it was built in the twelveth century and the amount of detail.. Man and Ii only saw the main palace! There were eight other places that they say are just as cool!
Gage and more examples of the incredible details that were carved in stone at the ancient temples of Angkor Watt.
It's been a good week and it seems like they are just flying by! 13 months already... Oh a really cool thing that I’ve been doing is every night after I write in my journal I read my entry from last year... Man the MTC was yesterday I swear! Oh well, I’ll just keep on plugging along.
... I'm doing great! I'm having fun and the work is really getting done here! Man this place is so great! The other day we went to an old Buddhist temple on P-day and I got playing around with some kids and we were singing some crazy Cambodian songs haha ( I memorized like 3 songs and parts of others). Anyway before I knew what happened I had like 50little kids following me around! That was so much fun! I love playing with the little guys... And the other day we gave some little member kids some more pop rocks and they were running around holding their little head screaming that there head was going to explode! Man, good times...
Same Budist temple grounds. I think Gage is confused, that is not a horse he is on.
Things are going great! My investigators are incredible and there are a couple little kids I'm trying to figure out how to ship home... I don't know the best way... I don't think UPS will ship adorable little Khmer kids... But I'll just have to ask to make sure!One thing that I have learned is that every one is worth getting to know!
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